
    Email marketing - 10 years in business - is still among the top generator of revenue and new clients. The reason it continues to be such a valuable marketing tool, I believe, is because it’s a platform to create and foster connection. I define email marketing as the way to communicate who I am, what I offer and how I can best serve my clients and potential clients. It offers the ability to build trust before that person even steps through my doors or picks up the phone to call.

    Email marketing gives you a platform that hits three “birds with one stone:” 1) helps new prospects to know and like you, 2) strengthens loyalty and connection with current clients, and 3) keeps you front-of-mind with past clients.

    The key is to give them what they want (information, connection, strategies…anything “tangible” they can apply in their life); then “pepper in” why you are the person that can help them. “Pepper in” your expertise, the programs and services you offer that can help them, etc. This way they never feel like they’re being sold to.

    The challenge can be coming up with ideas that keep your newsletters fresh, relevant and, as important, consistent. Here are 10 topic ideas that will connect with your followers and ideally convert in to revenue for you!

    1. Tips, strategy, education

    This seems like the obvious one, but your writing style and delivery is extra important here. Give them tips and strategies on whatever the topic is, but you must deliver it in a way that is digestible and applicable for the reader…and actually enjoyable to read.

    2. A personal story

    Whenever I share a personal story, I inevitably get the greatest response – email open rates, replies and conversions. People love stories; especially when they are honest and open. But remember this isn’t about you – it’s about them – mark sure the “moral” of your story applies to your reader.

    3. A client’s story of success

    People want to know that they’re not alone in their struggles and want to see how people “just like them” achieve the same goals they aspire to. Client success stories do just that and they (inadvertently) give you credibility.

    4. A look in to your pantry/refrigerator

    This is a fun one, people are intrigued – and often surprised - by what “fitness professionals” eat!

    5. Reasons why you are/are not X

    Provide solutions for problems your clients frequently face like weight loss or performance plateaus, chronic pain/injury, loss of motivation…know your clients’ struggles and offer solutions.

    6. Your favorite resources

    Do you have favorite restaurants you eat at? Books or websites you read? Foods or brands you eat? People you follow on social media that inspire you? Offer lists of resources and you’ll be an instant favorite!

    7. Favorite “hacks”

    Not everyone knows how to cook, prep meals, or how to get in a quick-but-efficient workout. Simplify what seems daunting to your readers and how you can help them succeed.

    8. What you “really” eat

    This topic always gets a response. Much like #4, this can reassure that you are approachable and “real.” How do you celebrate special occasions or eat out? They’ll appreciate knowing you don’t just eat tofu and fat-free everything.

    9. Community interest story

    Do something great in your community or for a local organization? Share it! This highlights your altruism and character…something people want to see and be a part of.

    10. An unlikely story that connects

    I’m always thinking about my next newsletter or blog post and I often find inspiration in the least likely places – my son’s preschool, the coffee shop, grocery store, during a conversation with a client or staff… How can you turn an seemingly unrelated experience or situation in to a story that connects and resonates with your followers?

    There is an art to effective email marketing. It’s not just about sending out your programs, services and latest promotions. My best clients have often been people who have subscribed to my emails for months, and sometimes years, before they are ready to commit. But when they are finally ready to take action, I’m the first person they think of. The best part is that there is actually very little “selling” necessary at that point because over time through my emails, stories and posts, they’ve come to know me, like me and trust that I can support them in the goals.