Oct. 1 2014
It's the one skill that most fitness-related degree programs never teach and most certifying organizations don't require or test as part of the initial examination process to become a fitness professional:... View More
Sept. 23 2014
Meet Mary.Mary is 38 years old, she lives in a nicer-than-average home in the suburbs. She has two wonderful children, Alec and Maryanne, they're 16 and 14. Mary wishes she could lose 30 pounds, but of... View More
Sept. 15 2014
Parts 1 and 2 of this series provided a starting point for finding the best candidate to be your first (or even your fiftieth) team member. Now it's time to interview, hire and most importantly, retain... View More
Sept. 1 2014
In Part 1 of this series of columns focused on hiring, I outlined three considerations before you make the decision to bring on a new staff member. Once you've done your... View More
Aug. 25 2014
This column will address two uniquely different but very important things. Both which I believe can be addressed by continually asking yourself if your business fulfills one very important question. But... View More
Aug. 15 2014
You've hit that significant mark in your business where you realize that you can't do it alone and are considering hiring your first employee. Maybe you need an assistant who can take on the burden of... View More
Aug. 1 2014
If you're like me, you have probably experienced or often suffer from Shiny Ball Syndrome. It typically occurs in ambitious individuals and is particularly plaguing to those of us in the fitness industry... View More
July 25 2014
Just a couple of years ago my team and I decided to have a very bold statement made into vinyl lettering and placed on the wall in the reception area at One-to-1 Fitness. "To help 10,000 residents reach... View More
July 14 2014
Whether you're in business for yourself, work for someone else or just getting started in the industry -- there is one element of the fitness profession that should be understood: you are a marketer... View More
July 1 2014
If each and every one of our clients immediately complied with our fitness programming, adhered to our sound nutritional and lifestyle advice and embraced the positive mindset that would set them up for... View More
June 25 2014
I have a growing reputation in the fitness industry it seems, as a business systems expert. I don't know how this happened, for as long as I can remember I found myself confounded and confused about how... View More
June 15 2014
As I’ve watched the industry evolve, particularly over the last 3 years as editor of PFP, I see the industry continue to move in two paradoxical directions. In one direction, the number of seemingly... View More
June 1 2014
Just as the adage says, 'it takes a village' to raise a child... the same can be said about your fitness business. Whether you're a one-trainer show, a small studio or multi-million dollar facility, you'll... View More
May 25 2014
I think today more than ever all that matters is the experience people have when they walk through your door. Even great results won’t be enough to keep them coming back if they don’t feel... View More
May 15 2014
As fitness professionals, part of our job description is to motivate and inspire our clients to discover their best inner and outer self. But what happens when you, as the motivator, need motivating? Inevitably,... View More
May 1 2014
Email marketing, when executed correctly, can be an incredibly valuable and cost-effective marketing tool for your business. To maximize sales, marketing a special program or promotion needs to be methodic... View More
April 25 2014
Just about every new trainer I meet shows me their website. Most times it’s focused around them and doesn’t meet the criteria to attract people that don’t know them already. Unfortunately... View More
April 15 2014
Every fitness business, whether a one-on-one personal training model, group fitness or a traditional monthly gym needs to have a solid client funnel system that is a proven system to convert a client from... View More
April 15 2014
Now more than ever independent fitness professionals can start their own businesses on very limited budgets... View More
April 1 2014
Diversifying the services or products your business offers can either be your Achilles heel or your ticket to success. Having multiple profit centers or revenue streams (whichever you prefer to call it)... View More