Sept. 22 2013
If you've been reading my column for any length of time and taking action there's no doubt that your business is probably growing. In the last six and a half years I've learned many hard lessons about... View More
Sept. 15 2013
If there is one industry that changes what is "in style" more often than fashion -- it's fitness. We use fashion and style as a way to express ourselves and even to make a statement. Fitness really... View More
Sept. 1 2013
I was listening to a New York City-area morning talk radio show last week and one of the featured segments was about the fastest growing professions in New York City. Fitness training was ranked the fourth... View More
Aug. 23 2013
I'm sure you've heard of the supplement company called EAS and maybe even the mother of all transformation programs, Body For Life. This column has nothing to do with EAS other than the association... View More
Aug. 15 2013
When it comes to scope of practice in our industry, there is a line that in theory is clear and defined, but in everyday practice often becomes blurred. For those of us who have certifications from accredited... View More
Aug. 1 2013
In my last column, I shared with you an exercise reminiscent of a Mad Lib with five quick fill-in-the-blank statements. The objective is to keep you from over-thinking and over-strategizing what niche... View More
July 23 2013
What is your time worth? This is a very serious question and one you need to answer for yourself. What's more I'd suggest you re-evaluate it about every six months; that is if you want to grow your fitness... View More
July 15 2013
Many fitness professionals start their career with the noble goal of "helping everyone who wants to live a healthy life." But the truth is, as the saying goes, "You can't be all things to all people."... View More
July 1 2013
In my September 2011 column, I shared seven ways to motivate your clients beyond just physical results. I wanted to revisit the topic because at some point, being the motivator that our clients depend... View More
June 25 2013
When I first speak to a new coaching client one of the very first things we discuss is whether they know and track their average number of leads per month. I know when I began my training business years... View More
June 15 2013
Whether you are in a formal business partnership or joint venture with another professional on a service or product you offer, you must be vigilant about laying a strong foundation of the partnership.... View More
June 1 2013
The most challenging task with launching a new business, program or service often times is generating enough buzz to get your clients, potential or current, so excited about what you have to offer that... View More
May 30 2013
As trainers we're still people and as people we have certain behaviors that are consistent no matter what. First we live in an instant gratification world. Our clients are looking for a near instant solution... View More
May 9 2013
When I first started my fitness business, I pretty much would train anyone who would pay me for my services and spent a lot of time networking with other local businesses because I was anxious to find... View More
May 1 2013
Most of us pursued a profession in fitness because we want to help people. I often hear fitness professionals, especially when they enter the industry, say they would "give away their services for free... View More
April 28 2013
Whether you are a solopreneur or an employer I think the following will be important to you. One of my most important mentors always used the description of a "ticking time bomb" when referring to employees.... View More
April 14 2013
Fitness training without goal-setting is like peanut butter without the jelly. Where most people stumble, whether we're talking about fitness, personal or professional goals, is that they set themselves... View More
April 1 2013
It's that time of year again -- tax day is right up on us. As I'm sure many of you can probably understand, tax and accounting concerns can be a serious pain-point. It can be difficult to find a professional... View More
March 25 2013
You might believe you are already effective at managing your time. If there's anything I've learned it's that when it comes to time management it's a continual work of improvement. There are three... View More
March 15 2013
Whether you own your own business or work for a gym, networking can be an effective way to building new business and staying front of mind in the community. Unfortunately, most people go about networking... View More