Paying attention to what triggers you to feel at your best and most productive and likewise, knowing what hampers your momentum, may give you valuable insight in to how you can operate at your best, more often and more importantly, how you get past the inevitable state of “feeling stuck.”
Exercise: Mad Libs for Trainers
Spend a few minutes filling-in the blanks to the following statements. For a seemingly simple exercise, it may just spark some inspiration:
1. If I could only do one thing all day, I would_________________________________.
2. The client I believe I've impacted the most is ____________ and the reason I was able to get him/her results is because I____________________________________________________.
3. The type of training I enjoy most is ____________ and the population I enjoy training most is/are _________________.
4. I'm not at my best as a fitness professional when I am __________________________________________. I'm at my best when I am ______________________.
5. My clients think I'm a great fitness professional because______________________.
Do the one thing that fuels your energy
When I send an email newsletter to my list, whether it’s a fitness or nutrition tip, a resource or a motivational message, I instantaneously get a surge of energy and motivation. I then feel far more motivated to take other actions that will pull me out of the deep hole of feeling stuck. Maybe for you it’s posting and engaging status on social media, reaching out to a loyal client, getting in a workout, journaling, rallying your staff for an impromptu meeting…whatever it is, find it and make that your go-to “reset button” when you need it most.
There’s often nothing worse than feeling uninspired; especially because for most of us inspiration is at the heart and soul of what we do. As we do with our clients seeking to “get back on track,” we must practice the same habits to keep us performing at our best.