Angela Moore, our December 2019 PFP Trainer of the Month winner, has empowered countless individuals far beyond exercise. She is a fitness presenter for the Detroit Health Empowerment Project and American Heart Association, a fitness expert on television and radio show host, and a health and fitness presenter to Oakland Schools of Michigan. She is the creator of the Propel℠ Youth Empowerment Program designed to improve the self-esteem, self-confidence and self-efficacy of youth through personal exploration, progressive skill development and peer support. Angela is a beacon of light for those she empowers, her community, and for those committed to empowering others through mental and physical health.
Here is a glimpse into how Angela is raising the bar…
NASM Master Trainer, including certifications as a Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Performance Enhancement Specialist and Fitness Nutrition Specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine.
Limited License Professional Counselor in the State of Michigan and a Nationally Certified Counselor specializing in Depression, Anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Grief/Loss and Life Transitions.
Business Name: The Body Principle Integrated Health Studio
Website: www.thebodyprinciple.com and https://angelatmoore.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/www.thebodyprinciple/ and https://www.facebook.com/AngelaMooreFitness
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelatmoore/
Year started in business: 2008
Recognition and Awards:
— Member of the Chi Sigma Iota, Theta Chapter Honor Society for Counseling
— President and member of Delta Mu Delta Honor Society for Business Administration
— NCAA Track and Field Competitor
— Great Lakes NPC Middleweight Bodybuilding Champion
What inspired you to start your business?
Several events in my life inspired me to start my business. My mother’s early death from a massive stroke, my brother’s suicide after a bout of depression, the discovery that I was a gifted runner in the tenth grade that later allowed me the opportunity to earn a full track scholarship, and the recognition that running, resistance training and a healthy lifestyle gave me the drive and the strength to overcome obstacles and excel in all areas of my life. I wanted to share with others the extraordinary healing and empowering benefits of physical activity, proper nutrition and a healthy mindset.
What is one hard lesson you’ve learned in business you believe has been most valuable?
That you can’t be a client’s motivation. Clients have to develop their own motivation to make the necessary changes in their lives to be healthy.
If I asked one of your clients why they choose you over other trainers, what would they likely say?
Clients would say that my commitment and dedication to them inspires them to be dedicated and committed to themselves. They would say that I pay special attention to proper form and technique; that I am not about the number of clients that I can squeeze into a class but each individual client’s success.
What is one way you are dedicated to raising the bar in the industry?
I am trying to raise the bar in the industry by holding myself and other wellness professionals that I work with to a higher standard. A standard of excellence with a continuous pursuit of higher education and a commitment to the overall health of ourselves, our families and our communities.
Thank you, Angela for raising the bar!