Hamstring strains are prevalent in sports and lead to significant lost time with length recovery periods. Many occur with sprinting with the hamstrings in a lengthened position. Research indicates that re-injuries are common. This exercise targets the hamstrings and aims to improve strength in a lengthened position.

Place the left heel on top of a sliding disc with the knee bent 90-100 degrees. The arms are positioned with the palms facing down on the floor with the opposite leg suspended in a 90/90 position. Next, perform a single-leg bridge on the left side, and slowly extend the left knee by allowing the disc to move out and away from the body. Once the muscle can no longer satisfactorily maintain control, lower the glute to the floor, side the disc back to the start position and repeat.
Perform 5-10 repetitions and with sides. It is important to use a deliberately slow and controlled cadence to emphasize the eccentric portion of this exercise. Perform 1-3 sets on each side.
1. Decrease the range of motion (less knee extension)
2. Perform the exercise with both legs
This exercise is an excellent way to lengthen and strengthen the hamstrings. It can be used in rehab, injury prevention or training to optimize dynamic mobility and strength. This type of training is particularly helpful for sprinters and athletes performing field and court sports.