
Hot Lava Squats

Working with and “training” youth is a new initiative for BOSU, and we’ll be rolling out training in 2016. This exercise from the new BOSU® Sport Kids DVD, performed on the BOSU® Sport challenges balance and core stability while strengthening the legs and – most importantly when working with kids – it can be made into a game! Stand on top of the BOSU® Sport dome with the toes and knees angled slightly outward. Bend the knees and squat down until the fingertips touch the dome. Then, stand back up and reach overhead with both arms. Keep the back straight, chest lifted and core engaged throughout the squat. Repeat for 60 seconds. Progress by adding a small hop at the top of the squat. The “game” in this exercise is to pretend that the floor is hot lava and the feet need to stay on the BOSU® Sport to avoid stepping in the lava. The BOSU® Sport Kids DVD includes five different workouts and is available at http://www.BOSU.com.