
    Rotational stability within the shoulders, torso and hips is critical for optimal performance in sport and injury prevention. Often, clients will exhibit asymmetries with respect to trunk stability with pillar assessments and the FMS. This exercise can be used to increase anti-rotation strength and rotary stability.
    Position the body in supine with the head/neck in a neutral position and the knees bent with the feet flat on the floor. Grasp the kettlebell (bottoms up position) in the right hand and position it so the shoulder is at 90 degrees of flexion with full elbow extension. Next, lift the hips and knees up so they are both bent to 90 degrees. Position the left arm alongside the body.

    Now, slowly lower the hips to the left as far as they can go while keeping the shoulder blades pressing into the floor. Pause at the bottom and return to the start position. Perform 10 repetitions and then switch hands and repeat moving the hips to the right. Perform 2 sets each way.

    1. Straighten the legs
    2. Increase the weight of the kettlebell
    3. Increase the the cadence/time under tension


    1. Reduce the weight of the kettlebell
    2. Position the supporting arm perpendicular to the body to increase support
    3. Allow the heels to remain on the floor as the legs move to one side

    This exercise aims to improve rotary stability and eliminate muscle imbalances and poor movement patterns. Increasing anti-rotation strength will reduce transverse plane forces that result in many injuries. This movement is great for any athletes involved with throwing, swimming or rotational based sports. In addition, it can be effective for tactical personnel and those lifting, pulling and pushing heavier objects as part of their vocation.

    Brian Schiff, PT, OCS, CSCS, is a licensed physical therapist, respected author and fitness professional. Currently, he serves as the supervisor for EXOS API at Raleigh Orthopaedic. Brian conducts live continuing education webinars and presents nationally at professional conferences and seminars on injury prevention, rehab and sport-specific training. For more information on his products and services, visit