Training the core in multiple positions is advantageous for many reasons. I like to work in half kneeling using various modes of resistance to improve pillar strength. This exercise covers a half kneeling lift maneuver with the MostFit Core Hammer.

Execution: Place a small airex pad beneath the right knee. Begin in a half kneeling position holding the Core Hammer with a shoulder width (or less) grip and the right hand flush against the end of the hammer. For the start, position the end of the hammer just behind the right hip with the handle pointing forward. Next, contract the right glute and move the Core Hammer in an upward diagonal path so that the right arm moves into shoulder flexion and horizontal adduction as the hand elevates above the head. Avoid hyperextension or excessive rotation in the lumbar spine.
Now, in a controlled manner return to the start position without losing balance and keeping the torso from flexing forward or side bending much at all. The motion should be fluid and steady throughout the upward and downward portions of the exercise. Focus on a slower cadence initially to ensure proper form. Perform 10 repetitions and then switch the down leg and repeat on the other side.
Once you have mastered form, the movement can be done in a more explosive fashion to increase metabolic demand and/or facilitate explosive strength/power.

1. Widen the grip to lengthen the lever arm and increase the lever arm
2. Move to a tall kneeling position to increase demand on the trunk and reduce stability
Application: This movement is effective in training shoulder, torso and hip stability. The half kneeling position coupled with the asymmetrical load provided by the Core Hammer provides an excellent challenge to maintaining proper alignment. Deficiencies in strength will be seen in the form of excessive trunk and hip motion. Limited hip mobility may cause the client to hyperextend the lumbar spine on the upward movement.